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Apparel Add-on Installation

Installing the ProductCart Apparel Add-On is very easy. The following assumes that you have installed and activated ProductCart on your Web server. If you haven’t done so, you will first need to perform the ProductCart installation as described in the ProductCart User Guide, and then continue with the instructions below.

Download the Apparel Add-on

Download the latest copy of the ProductCart Apparel Add-On from the ProductCart Web site. A link to the file will be provided by ProductCart as soon as the purchase is determined to be legitimate. Due to the high rate of fraudulent orders that a software company like ProductCart receives, we have to personally verify each order. Typically this takes less than an hour, but it may take longer during a weekend or on a holiday

If you purchased the software from a ProductCart reseller, you should have been provided a download link by the reseller, or the reseller may perform the installation for you.

Unzip the files

All ProductCart Apparel Add-On files are contained in a compressed (*.zip) file. Download and “unzip” the file on your local computer using your favorite unzip utility.

Once you have unzipped the file you will notice that it contains two folders: one called Parent Paths Enabled and one named Parent Paths Disabled. Each folder contains all the files that you need to upload to your Web server to add the Apparel Add-On's features to your store.

You will use one folder or the other depending on whether you are using the Parent Paths Enabled (more likely) or Disabled (less likely) version of ProductCart. If you are using the Parent Paths Disabled version of ProductCart, the version number shown on the Control Panel’s Start page should show the letters “PPD”.

For more information about running ProductCart on a server with Parent Paths disabled, please refer to the ProductCart User Guide.

Each of the two folders contains 3 sub-folders:
  • pcadmin – This is the folder that contains the Control Panel files, and that you have likely renamed when you installed ProductCart. If you haven’t done so, you should – see the ProductCart User Guide for details. Make sure that you transfer the files to the correct folder.
  • pc – This is the folder that contains the storefront files.
  • includes – Other files needed by the Apparel Add-on

Upload the files

Now that you are ready to transfer the files, take the following steps:
  1. Back up your store
    Make a backup copy of your existing store database and store files. A backup copy of your store will allow you to revert back to your previous, working version of ProductCart in case you experience any problems after performing the installation. Of course, this is not needed if you are adding the Apparel Add-on to a “just installed” version of ProductCart.
  • Turn off your store
    Log into your Control Panel. Select General Settings > Store Settings. Enter a descriptive message in the field “Message displayed when store is off”. Select “Turn store off”, then click on the Update button. This ensures that customers do not browse the store while you are updating it. When you are done, log out of the Control Panel.
  • FTP new files to your server
    Upload the Apparel Add-On files to their respective folders, overwriting the existing files. For instance, you will update the contents of the “pc” subfolder on your Web server with the files contained in the “pc” subfolder that you have received together with this ReadMe file. DO NOT delete any of the files that are currently on your Web server.
  • Update the database
    Once all files have been uploaded to your store, log into the Control Panel to update the store database. You MUST update the database immediately after uploading the files, or errors will occur both in the storefront and in the Control Panel.

    When you log in, you should automatically be redirect to the update database page. If not, then look at your browser's address field. It will show the name of the file that you are currently viewing, which is “menu.asp”. Replace this file name with: upddb-app.asp. Press the “Enter” key on your keyboard to load this page. The page that will load will prompt you to update your database. 


Installation completed

The installation is complete. When the database has been updated, you will receive a confirmation page. Log into the Control Panel again, and you will notice that the ProductCart version number has been updated to include the “a” suffix.

You can now turn your store back on and verify that the storefront is working properly. We recommend that you place at least one test order to go through the entire checkout process.

Installation Troubleshooting

Here are answers to frequently asked questions regarding the installation of the Apparel Add-on.
  • When I log back into the Control Panel, I get redirected to the database update page again
    Normally ProductCart keeps redirecting you to the database update page when the version number has not been successfully updated. This happens when the system is not able to delete and re-create the file settings.asp located in the includes folder. Make sure that the folder has READ/WRITE/DELETE permissions for the EVERYONE user. For more information about the folder permission settings required by ProductCart, please see the ProductCart User Guide.
  • I did not get redirected: how can I get to the database update page?
    Log into the Control Panel and view the Control Panel Welcome page (menu.asp). Place your mouse cursor in the browser address field and replace “menu.asp” with “upddb-app.asp”. Then hit the Enter key. The database update page should now load.
  • I received an error when executing the database update. What do I do?
    • Please make sure that your store was running the version of ProductCart required under the “Applicability” section of the ReadMe file contained in the ZIP file you downloaded. If not, please first update the shopping cart, then re-install the Apparel Add-on.
  • If you are already running the correct version, copy the error message and send an email to Include your Control Panel URL and login information, plus FTP information so that we can access the Web server and troubleshoot the problem.

If you encounter other problems, please review the information in this document carefully to make sure that you have followed every step as outlined above. If this still doesn't solve your problem, contact ProductCart. Please make sure to indicate which version of ProductCart you are currently using.