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Edit an Order

About Editing Orders

A useful feature when processing orders is the ability for the store administrator to edit orders after they have been placed. This allows you to easily accommodate scenarios such as:
  • Customers wishing to change the quantity for any of the products they ordered.
  • Customers wishing to remove and/or add products to an order.
  • Customers wishing to change the shipping service selected for the order.

The updated order details will be shown throughout the store, including the order details page in the customer’s account area. Orders can be edited regardless of their status. Orders that have already been processed (i.e. funds have been collected, the order confirmation e-mail has been sent, etc.) should not be edited, although you can do so.

To edit an order, select Edit Order from the order search results page or the Order Details page.

Please note the following important general rules about editing an order:
  • The original order details are replaced by the edited order. Once you have edited an order, you will not find in the Control Panel the original order details. To keep a record of the original order details, safely store a copy of the order notification e-mail sent by ProductCart to the store administrator when an order is first placed, or print the order using the printer-friendly feature. ProductCart does not save a back-up of the original order details.
  • When you edit an order on the Edit Order page order amounts are typically NOT recalculated unless a new value for any variable has been entered in the corresponding field. For example, unless you enter a tax value in the Taxes field and check the Tax checkbox next to each taxable item, taxes will not be recalculated. The same is true for discounts and processing charges.
  • When you add or remove a product from an order, these changes are immediately applied to the order, regardless of whether you click on the Update Order button. The same is true about adding/removing/editing product options.
  • When you change the product quantity, quantity discounts are not used for the calculation, if any are present. The rationale behind this behavior is the one just mentioned.
  • When you look up a new shipping rate or new tax rate, or when you restore the product’s original unit price, order information is not saved to the store database until you press the Update Order button.
  • When the order amount is changed by editing the order, and the batch processing feature is used in conjunction with a real-time payment gateway, the first transaction (for the original order amount) is voided and a new transaction (for the new order amount) is authorized. This can potentially create an issue with the customer’s credit limit.
  • You can return to the Order Details page by selecting Back to Order Details. As mentioned above under, some of the changes that you may have made to the order will be maintained even if you did not click on the Update Order button.


How to use the "Edit Order" page

Product prices on the Edit Order page
The Edit Order page attempts to find a balance between automatically applying price calculations based on store settings (e.g. quantity discounts) and allowing the Store Manager to override such settings to 'force' a price (e.g. changing the unit price manually to a special value for a certain order). Please note the following about how product prices are handled on the Edit Order page:
  • The Unit Price is calculated as follows:
    Product’s Base Price – Pricing Category Discount (if any) - Quantity Discounts (if any)

    If the product is a Configurable Product, the Unit Price also includes the prices of all items that were selected by the customer when configuring the product. However, it does not include 'Additional Charges', since they are independent of the quantity purchased. Additional charges are included in the 'Price' (row total).
  • The Price is normally the Unit Price times the number of units purchased. Option prices are not included. They are shown right below. If there are quantity discounts that apply to the option prices, the prices shown reflect those discounts. When the product is a Configurable Product, the price is the price of the fully configured
  • product, including everything (selections, discounts, additional charges).
  • Quantity Discounts are reflected in the displayed Unit Price.
  • Any price differential associated with Product Options is not reflected in the displayed Unit Price, but rather shown separately.
  • Updating prices. You may manually change the Unit Price to any monetary value (with up to 2 decimals). When you click 'Update', the following is true:
    • Quantity Discounts will not be applied. The value you enter is the price used in the calculation (minus any option price differential, as mentioned above).
    • Category-based Quantity Discounts will be applied and re-calculated based off the new Unit Price.

​Clicking 'Update' a second time after modifying the Unit Price will assume you want to recalculate prices considering all variables, and therefore Quantity Discounts are now applied. So if you intend to manually overwrite the Unit Price, 'overriding' account quantity discounts, setting the Unit Price should be the last task performed on the edit order screen.
  • ​If the customer belongs to a Pricing Category, note that the special pricing associated with that pricing category is lost when you 'Restore' the product price as the system looks up the default online price for the product.
  • Category-based Quantity Discounts affect the unit price of a product, but are applied to the entire order as a discount, not to the an individual product sub-total calculation. This is because by definition they are not product-specific, but rather are calculated based on the total quantity of purchased products belonging to a certain category. So you should look for the discount value in the Discount section of the page.
  • If you add new items to an order (e.g. new products, new options, new coupons, etc.) you must click the 'Update' button. Do so after you have added the new information. Otherwise ProductCart will not recalculate quantity discounts on the prices.

Technical Note: the unit price saved into the 'ProductsOrdered' table ('unitPrice' field) is different from the one displayed on this page: it includes Options Prices.
Adding and removing products
You can remove a product from the order by clicking on the Remove icon. You can add a product to the store by clicking on Add Product to Order. When you do so, ProductCart will take you to a page where you can search your store catalog and locate the product to be added to the order. If the product has options, you can select them before adding the product to the order, just like your customers do on your storefront. You can also configure and add a configurable product to the order (Configurator version only).

If there is only a single product in the order you will not be able to remove it, as an order with no products would not make sense. If you want to change the product then first add the replacement and then remove the original product. If you wish to remove the only product from the order then the order should instead be cancelled.
Other Settings
  • Reward Points
    You can change the number of Reward Points that the customer either accrued or used with this order.
  • Discounts, shipping, and taxes. As mentioned earlier in this section, the Edit Order page follows the general rule that variables are not included in the order total recalculation unless a new value has been entered in the corresponding field.
    • To add/edit the discount applied to the order, enter a discount value in the corresponding field. If it’s a percentage discount, enter a value in the first field. Otherwise enter the discount amount in the second field.
    • To add/edit shipping charges, use the Check Real-Time Rates link to recalculate shipping rates for the edited order. The Shipping Rates pop-up will be displayed. ProductCart will perform the same shipping rate calculation that it performs during the checkout process. The system will return a list of available shipping services for the order. Click on the Select button to pick a shipping service and close the pop-up window. The corresponding value will be automatically copied to the Shipping input field. If Handling Fees apply to the order, enter the amount in the corresponding input field.
    • To add/edit payment charges, enter a value in the corresponding field. If the fee is calculated as a percentage of the order total, enter a value in the first field. Otherwise enter the fee amount in the second field.
    • To recalculate taxes on the order, use the Check Tax Rate link to look up the tax rate that applies to the order. Click on the Select button to close the pop-up window and copy the value to the Taxes field. Then use the Tax check box to select which items in the order are taxable (e.g. handling fees may be taxable, but shipping charges may not).

When you are done, click on Update Order to update the order total.

​Even if an order was authorized by a payment gateway, the payment gateway is not contacted automatically after editing the order. The order status is not altered when you edit an order. The order remains Pending. So after editing an order, remember to process it. In some cases you can use the batch processing feature (see below) to contact the payment gateway used to authorize the order to capture the corresponding funds. Note that some payment gateways will not allow you to capture funds when the order amount has increased.

Combining order editing and batch processing

The combination of the new order editing and batch processing features allows the store administrator to accommodate a very flexible order management process, where orders can be accurately verified and edited, if necessary, before being processed and shipped.

The following assumes that the store is setup to use one of the payment gateways that currently support batch processing through ProductCart. The supported payment gateways that currently enable batch processing are:
  • ProductCart (NetSource) Gateway
  • ​Authorize.Net
  • PayPal PayFlow Pro
  • PayPal Website Payments Pro

The following also assumes that the payment gateway has been configured to authorize, but not capture funds.

When these assumptions are true, ProductCart allows you to manage orders in a safe, productive way, minimizing the chances of processing fraudulent orders, and increasing the level of customer service that you can offer your customers.
  1. An order is automatically authorized by a payment gateway (e.g. Authorize.Net), but funds are not captured. Therefore the order is still Pending according to ProductCart. The customer does not receive a confirmation e-mail, but rather only an Order Received message.
  • The store administrator can verify the legitimacy of the order before processing it. For online stores that experience a high rate of fraud, this ensures that fraudulent orders are not processed. If the order is fraudulent, it can be easily canceled (and manually voided through the payment gateway). Sometimes fraudulent orders are successfully authorized by the payment gateway (e.g. credit card and billing information was stolen).
  • The store administrator can verify the accuracy of the order before processing it. For example, this allows the store administrator to easily handle a scenario in which a customer realizes to having placed an order incorrectly and quickly sends a follow up email instructing for changes to the order. It also allows for scenarios in which shipping charges were not calculated (or not calculated correctly), for instance, and need to be changed. There are endless other scenarios in which the administrator may need to edit the order before it is processed, and the corresponding amount captured by the payment gateway.
  • Note when the order amount that had been previously authorized is changed before batch processing the order, regardless of whether the orders total is higher or lower than the original amount, the following occurs:
    • ProductCart will contact the payment gateway and void the initial transaction.
  • A new transaction takes place. Authorize.Net maintains the same transaction ID for the second transaction. Payflow Pro issues a new transaction ID. Note that for this process to take place, all transaction information, including credit card details, are resubmitted to the payment gateway by ProductCart during batch processing. ProductCart stores credit card information in an encrypted format. Credit card information is not stored in the database when the payment gateway is set to immediately capture funds (orders cannot be edited in that scenario).
  • If the new order amount is lower than the original order amount:
    • Payflow Pro will not authorize the amount again, but rather capture it right away. In this scenario, the authorization ID remains the same as the original one and the funds will be captured.
  • Authorize.Net will obtain a new authorization for the new order amount. A new authorization ID is therefore associated with the transaction.

  • If the new order amount is higher than the original order amount, both payment gateways behave in the same way, which is to void the original transaction and obtain a new authorization. The authorization ID is different for this new transaction. Note that the funds authorized during the initial transaction (order total before it was edited) are not released upon authorizing the second transaction, but rather after the transactions are settled for the day. For large orders, this could trigger an unsuccessful authorization of the second transaction if the total of the two orders exceeds the available credit on the credit card. If this happened, the order would not be successfully batch processed. You would have to manually capture funds using the payment gateway’s administration area, and then manually process the order in the Control Panel using the Process Order page.
  • If the authorization is successful funds are captured and the order’s status is updated to Processed in the Control Panel.

  • Once the order has been edited, it can be batch processed together with other orders. At that time, the funds that had previously been authorized are now captured (except for the scenarios mentioned above), and the order’s status is updated to Processed in the Control Panel (see what happens when an order is processed ).