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Google Tag Manager

There are many tools that online stores can utilize to help understand, track behavior, and record the interactions users have with their website. Each of these tools requires special code to be added into the website files in order for the website to communicate with the tool. These extra pieces of code are called tags and the tools that utilize them have become fundamental to the way many websites conduct their online business. Analytics, search engine optimization (SEO), conversion tracking, social media widgets, video players, advertisements and more all use tags to make their services possible. With so many uses and so many options it can quickly become overwhelming to add the necessary tags to all the appropriate pages.

ProductCart has made this processes easier by utilizing the Google Tag Manager. Each tag is entered in an easy to use form on the Tag Manager website so no customizations to ProductCart files or your theme files is necessary. 

Signing Up with Google

Visit to set up your Google Tag Manager account. Click “Sign Up For Free” to get started.

Pick an account name and setup a container name (usually the name of your website). Select “Web” for the question “Where to Use Container?”, then click Create. The site will ask you to read their service agreement and click yes to continue. 

The next screen will offer you the code to insert into your website. ProductCart won’t require you to copy any code or make these kind of changes you click OK to dismiss this message.
Click on the Accounts tab. This page will show you the container you just created and the Container ID. The container ID is what you will need to use Google Tag Manager with your ProductCart store.

Adding Tags

To add tags to your tag manager click on the Workspace tab on the Tag Manager website, then click Tags in the navigation the left. Your Container will start empty, but you can add new tags by click on New. Click the Tag Configuration to begin adding the new tag and the site will offer you a number of common options. Select the option you are looking for (or choose Custom HTML for options that aren't listed) and fill in any required information. If the tag should only be used on pages related to an event (AdWrods Conversion Tracking that only needs to be on the checkout confirmation page for instance) then you can use the Triggering section to change what page the tag will be used on.

Turning On Tag Manager in ProductCart

You can turn on Google Tag Manager from the Store Settings page in your Control Panel. Under Settings and Store Settings choose Store & Display Settings. Click on the Miscellaneous tab and look for the Google Analytics section. Click the radio button for Google Tag Manager and fill in the Container ID from your Tag Manager account. Click on Save Settings at the bottom of the page. Now any tags entered into Google Tag Manager for the Container entered will be present on the website.