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  • There are no suggestions because the search field is empty.

How to Add an AJAX Waiting Message for Small Search Box

Please note: The contents of this article apply only to licensed versions of the ProductCart software. They do not apply to stores running as a hosted application under a ProductCart Live agreement.

Step 1

Open the file “pc/SmallSearchBox08.asp” in a text editor.

Place the following code directly below the last line of code on the page:
<script language="JavaScript">
function pcf_CheckSearchBox() {
 	pcv_strTextBox = document.getElementById("smallsearchbox").value;
	if (pcv_strTextBox != "") {;
'// Loading Window
response.Write(pcf_ModalWindow(dictLanguage.Item(Session("language")&"_advSrca_23"), "2", 200))


Step 2

Add the JavaScript that will initiate the Pop-Up window when you click the “Search” button.

Replace the following line of code:
<form action="showsearchresults.asp" name="search" method="get" class="pcForms">
With this line of code:
<form action="showsearchresults.asp" name="search" method="get" onSubmit="pcf_CheckSearchBox();" class="pcForms">

Step 3

Add basic validation so the search box only shows when a keyword has been entered.

Replace the following line of code:
<input type="Text" name="keyword" size="14" value="">
With this line of code:
<input type="Text" name="keyword" size="14" value="" id="smallsearchbox" >