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How to Remove the "Please Wait" Window from the Search Box

Please note: The contents of this article apply only to licensed versions of the ProductCart software. They do not apply to stores running as a hosted application under a ProductCart Live agreement.

The small search box includes additional JavaScript to control the “Pease wait… searching” dialog window. The following article explains how to remove the dialog window from the small search box.
  1. Download the file SmallSearchBox08.asp. It will look something like this:
    <!--#include file="SmallSearchBox08.asp"-->
  2. Open your small search box file in a text editor, such as notepad or Dreamweaver.
  3. Edit the following lines of code in SmallSearchBox08.asp:
    • Find:
      <a href="" onclick="pcf_CheckSearchBox();" title="Search">
    • Replace with:
      <a href="" title="Search">
    • Remove:
      ​<script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function pcf_CheckSearchBox() { pcv_strTextBox = document.getElementById("smallsearchbox").value; if (pcv_strTextBox != "") { document.getElementById('small_search').onclick(); } } //--> </script> <% Response.Write(pcf_InitializePrototype()) response.Write(pcf_ModalWindow(dictLanguage.Item(Session("language")&"_advSrca_23"), "small_search", 200)) %>
  4. Save the file and upload it to your server.