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Installation: Setting up Your ProductCart Database

Please note: The contents of this article apply only to licensed versions of the ProductCart software. They do not apply to stores running as a hosted application under a ProductCart Live agreement.

This document is meant as a general guideline for installing and setting up a Microsoft SQL Server database for NetSource Commerce's ProductCart shopping cart software. This is by no means a comprehensive guide for running a MS SQL Server-based database. For in-depth information on SQL Server, you should consult the documentation included with SQL Server or consult your Web hosting provider.

Creating the Database

If you have a Web hosting account that includes space on a shared SQL server, a database probably has already been setup for you, or there is a tool in the Web hosting account’s administration area that allows you to easily create one. If that’s the case, skip this section and go directly to “Running the SQL Script”.

If you need to create a new database, follow these directions.
  • In MS SQL Enterprise Manager, right-click on the “Databases” folder in the Server Manager window and select “New Database…”.
  • In the new database dialog box that appears, enter the name of the new database that you are going to use for ProductCart.
  • Click on “OK” to save the changes.

Running the SQL Script

You can now run the SQL script located in the productcart/database folder on your desktop. The script will create all the objects you need in the database.
  • If you created the database using a tool provided directly by the Web hosting company, that same tool will likely contain a utility that allows you to run a query. Load (or copy and paste) the ProductCart SQL script in that utility and run it.
  • Otherwise you can use a desktop application such as MS Enterprise Manager

Never run the SQL script mentioned above against a database that already contains data, including a database being used by an existing ProductCart-powered store.

Setting Permissions for the Database User

If a user name and password for the database were created through your Web hosting account administration area, you can skip this section as the user you setup already has the right permissions.

Otherwise, make sure that the database user that is used in the connection string that connects ProductCart to your SQL database has "ownership" rights on all the database objects: create a new User or select a User that has full permissions on all the tables in the ProductCart database. Make sure you are using SQL authentication, not Windows authentication.
Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=SERVER-IP,1433;Initial Catalog=DB-NAME;User Id=USER;Password=PWD;
“SERVER-IP” is the server’s IP address
“DB-NAME” is the name of the database 
“USER” and “PWD” are the user name and password that grant access to it

DSN Connection to a MS SQL database
“SQLDSN” is the name of the DSN
“USER” and “PWD” are the user name and password that grant access to the database