Manage Product Reviews - Product-Specific
Showing/ Hiding Fields for Some Products
You can limit the number of questions/fields shown on the product review submission form for selected products.From the Products menu, select Manage Product Reviews > Product-specific Settings. Click on the Add New Product button to choose the products for which you want to define a special set of fields. On the following page, uncheck the Active check box for the fields that you don’t want to show when customers post a review. Click on the Customize button to save these settings. ProductCart will display a list of products for which you have customized the fields selection. Click on View/Edit to further specify which fields should be shown or hidden.
To remove products from the list, check the corresponding check boxes on the right side of the window, and then press the Remove Selected from List button. When you do so, all fields listed in the Manage Fields area will again be shown for those products.
Product Exclusions
There might be products for which customers should not be allowed to post reviews. If that is the case, use the Product Exclusions feature to list these products.
From the Products menu, select Manage Product Reviews > Product Exclusions, locate the products that you would like to exclude using the built-in search tool , and choose the products for which product reviews are not available. You can add/remove products to/from the list at any time.