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Manage Synchronizer

Schedule Auto Synchronize

To setup Web Connector so that it synchronizes your Web store and your QuickBooks company file on a set schedule, do the following:

  1. Launch Web Connector
  2. Click on the “Auto-Run” check box
  3. Enter the number of minutes between synchronization tasks
  4. Hide Web Connector, but do not exit the application.

Tips on Using Classes

If you have more than one ProductCart store using the Synchronizer you may want to sort orders by location within QuickBooks. QuickBooks provides a feature called classes that will allow you to do just that. To setup classes in ProductCart Synchronizer requires you to edit one file.

Download and open the file “pcadmin\QuickBooks\webservice\Web.config” using Notepad. Change the line:
<add key="scClass" value="" />
<add key="scClass" value="StoreOne" />

Notice we added the text “StoreOne”. You should replace that text with the actual class name you want to add. Save the file and upload it back to your Web server. Repeat the process for each store you operate.

Synch Items and Accounts

This feature will update your store's database with the latest QuickBooks Items, Chart of Accounts, Payment Methods, and Shipping Options from your QuickBooks file. This feature will make all of the above information available in ProductCart.

For example, assume you added an account to QuickBooks called “Gold Miles”. You want to map your ProductCart “reward points” to your the new account, but the account is not yet available in ProductCart's mapping tool. Use this feature to sync your latest QuickBooks accounts so they will be available in ProductCart and can be mapped.

To run this feature simply click the Sync Items and Accounts button.

The synchronization will not occur until you run the Web Connector. If your Web Connector is on a schedule you can wait until its next process, or you can manually tell Web Connector to run now.


Synch Customers

Use this feature to import into your ProductCart-powered store the latest Customer Accounts that have been added to your QuickBooks company file. Once imported into ProductCart, these new customers can be mapped to any store customer.

To run this feature simply click the Synch Customers button.

The synchronization will not occur until you run the Web Connector. If your Web Connector is on a schedule you can wait until its next process, or you can manually tell Web Connector to run now.


Reset Web Connector Password

You can reset the password using the link below (replace “control_panel_folder” with the actual folder name):

You cannot change your Company Name. Only the Password may be reset.


Reset Orders

When an order is exported it is flagged as such so it will not be exported again, causing a duplicate in QuickBooks.

However, there are cases in which you may want to export an order again. This feature will clear all of the flags so you can export the same order more than once.

For example, this feature is useful if you want to test the ProductCart Synchronizer on a back-up QuickBooks company file, and later reset your orders so that they can be exported again to your live company file.

To run this tool simply click the Reset All Orders link.