Managing and Editing Sub-Products

First locate the Apparel Product, and then click on Manage Sub-Products.
Sub-Product Properties
Here is a list of product properties that you can edit at the sub-product level.
Name and Part Number
- Options
These are the product variations that represent each Sub-Product: the name of the sub-product is defined by the option attributes that were combined to create it. When customers select the options on the product details page in the storefront, the corresponding fields on the right side will apply. For example, if a Sub-Product is out of stock, an out of stock message will be displayed when the customer selects that particular combination of options. Sub-products are individual records in the products table in the store database. So the sub-product ID is shown to facilitate advance users that needed to target a specific sub-product with custom code.
The Sub-Product’s part number, generated by ProductCart as indicated in the previous section. If you edit it, remember to check the check-box on the right side before you click on the Update Selected button.
Product Images
- General Image
The Sub-Product’s general image, shown when the corresponding options are selected on the product details page. This field is optional. If no image is available for this sub-product, the parent product’s general image is used instead. If you edit the file name, remember to check the check-box on the right side before you click on the Update Selected button. Use the Locate Image icon to look for a previously updated image (it looks in the pc/catalog folder).
- Detailed View Image
Same as above, but with reference to the Detail View Image, displayed when customers click on the Zoom icon on the product details page.
Product Prices
- +/- Price
The price differential that applies to the selected Sub-Products. In can be a positive (Add $5) or negative (Subtract $6) number. It affects the parent product’s price in the amount entered in the field.
Product Weight
- Weight
The weight of the sub-product in either kilograms and grams or pounds and ounces, depending on the store settings.
- Units to Make 1 pound/kilogram
This is used to properly calculate weights for very light products that are purchased in multiple units. It allows you to define how many units of the product are needed to reach 1 pound or 1 kilogram.
Inventory Settings
- Stock
The number of units currently in stock. Note that in ProductCart stock levels are updated when an order is placed, not when the order is processed. This ensures that customers do not order a product that is out of stock due to orders that have been placed, but are yet to be processed. Therefore, the current stock level already reflects any order that is Pending in your store.
- +/- Stock
You can adjust the current inventory level for a selected sub-product by entering a positive or negative integer in this field. If you do, remember to check the check-box on the right side before you click on the Update Selected button located at the bottom of the page.
- Disregard Stock
You can ignore all other inventory settings at the sub-product level. The product is always available for purchase when this feature is enabled. Note that this feature cannot be enabled at the Parent Product level. It must be enabled at the sub-product level.
- Back-Order
You can allow or disallow back-ordering at the sub-product level. When you do, the product becomes available even when it is out of stock, and a message indicating when you expect to have it back in stock is shown in the storefront. Enter the number of days that restocking typically takes in the Ship within N Days field.
Updating Multiple Sub-Products
Regardless of which fields you edit, you must check the check-box on the right side of every Sub-Product that is being edited, before you click on the Update Selected button. Use the Check All/Uncheck All links to check or un-check all items on the page.
- +/- Units: Use this field, located at the bottom of the page, to update the inventory level for all checked Sub-Products by the number entered in the field.
- All Disregard Stock: use this check-box to select that Disregard Stock property for all items on the page. The property will then be set for all checked sub-products when you click on Update Selected.
- All Back Order: use this check-box to select that All Back Order property for all items on the page. The property will then be set for all checked sub-products when you click on Update Selected.