ProductCart v5.2.10 Change Log
v5.2.10 also contains all of the new features, updates, and improvements from the v5.2 Change Log.
New Features
- [PC-222] - Back In Stock Notification App
- [PC-818] - Advanced Fraud App
- [PC-749] - Google Conversion Tracking added to Control Panel
- [PC-811] - Custom Widgets for Product Details page
- [PC-812] - If customer selects "Same as Billing" for their Shipping Address, the address is fully populated to Shipping (versus showing the verbiage "Same as Billing".
- [PC-822] - For security, we hide ProductCart Control Panel Menu until logged in.
- [PC-630] - Shipping rates can be selected on Shopping Cart Page.
Bug Fixes / Tasks / Enhancements
- [PC-181] - Fixed issue where comma in "City Name" was not properly escaped.
- [PC-303] - Fixed Image uploader time out when a site has a large number of images.
- [PC-488] - Fixed rare timeout issue generating a quote email.
- [PC-491] - Added "Product Options" to Order Shipped E-mail.
- [PC-546] - Fixed esoteric bug in "Gift Registry".
- [PC-549] - Fixed alignment issue in quote submission email.
- [PC-582] - Fixed issue where "Tax by Zone" Settings were not properly applied.
- [PC-584] - Fixed YouTube search in Product Details Asset Manager.
- [PC-607] - Fixed misc. issues with export and import.
- [PC-644] - Fixed issue with CDN app and glyphs.
- [PC-664] - Fixed Category Dropdown issue if only one category in store.
- [PC-665] - Fixed "Name Redefined" error in Virtual Merchant
- [PC-667] - Fixed issue where Sales Charts were not displayed in mobile browsers.
- [PC-668] - Fixed pagination bug on 'resultsAdvancedAll.asp'.
- [PC-670] - Fixed Estimated Shipping Charges issue with Negotiated Rates.
- [PC-671] - Added missing 'Include' on 'prv_unsubsribe.asp'.
- [PC-672] - Fixed error when using the back button in the Cross Selling area.
- [PC-673] - Fixed missing Avalara values when saving Tax Settings.
- [PC-674] - Fixed issue where Discount Codes were showing in Input Field by default.
- [PC-675] - Improvements to Structured Data properties.
- [PC-680] - Fixed issue with Additional Images.
- [PC-683] - Content Page Improvements
- [PC-686] - Fixed issue with invalid Path in Theme Settings.
- [PC-687] - Allow CSV Uploads
- [PC-689] - IP Database field length extended to support IPv6 values.
- [PC-692] - Fixed issue with Discount Codes containing spaces on Shopping Cart Page.
- [PC-696] - Fixed 'looping' issue in v5.2 modCata.asp.
- [PC-698] - Fixed Content Page issue when Exclude Navigation is checked.
- [PC-700] - Fixed issue Adding Discounts by Category on certain Categories.
- [PC-701] - Added CSS class for Generate Affiliate Link Button on 'Affgenlinks.asp'.
- [PC-702] - Fixed bug where Not For Sale Products could be added to Cart.
- [PC-703] - Fixed Google Shopping Feed showing sub-product pricing without base price.
- [PC-709] - Fixed issue with Estimated Shipping label shown on 'viewCart' when disabled.
- [PC-710] - Fixed bug with new Countries added during v5.2 upgrade.
- [PC-713] - Enabled Enter button on Keyboard with Estimate Shipping Charges.
- [PC-716] - Fixed bug where Deleted Sub-products were shown on Product details page with radio button layout.
- [PC-721] - Fixed issue where Non Shipping Products were shown with Shipping Rate Estimator.
- [PC-725] - Fixed issue where the Order Shipped E-mail was not using the correct verbiage.
- [PC-726] - Added Canonical URL for Brands.
- [PC-729] - Fixed UK date bug in New Arrivals.
- [PC-732] - Fixed bug on Checkout page showing HTML tags in Product Names.
- [PC-733] - Fixed bug with Affiliate Sales not being tracked with SEO-Friendly URLs.
- [PC-734] - Fixed bug with Customer Imports when a Field contains invalid data.
- [PC-737] - Fixed sporadic bug in Pay with Amazon being hidden.
- [PC-738] - Enforced "Continental US" region with Custom Shipping Option.
- [PC-740] - Fixed incorrect Back Order Message on Order Confirmation E-mail.
- [PC-742] - Fixed display issue in Estimate Shipping Cost area on Shopping Cart Page.
- [PC-743] - Fixed "Find a product" bug after adding a Custom Field.
- [PC-744] - Fixed bug with Product Cost not updated when adding Sub-products.
- [PC-762] - viewPages no longer loads Content Page Index
- [PC-763] - PayPal Express Batch Processing Emails not HTML
- [PC-764] - Unable to clone category
- [PC-767] - 3 Decimal Tax Rate is rounding to 2 places, causing slight discrepancies
- [PC-769] - Custom text inputs show HTML elements on the view cart page
- [PC-770] - Data loss issue with 'PurgeSavedCarts.asp'
- [PC-774] - Incorrect value for a variable in '/pcadmin/emailsettings.asp'
- [PC-777] - Fixed bug with Discount codes linked to customer type on Shopping Cart page.
- [PC-780] - Fixed bug on Indexing and Searching Existing Images.
- [PC-790] - Fixed Packing List bug when the same Product was added to the Cart more than once.
- [PC-791] - Fixed issue with Category-specific Display Setting and Narrow By selector.
- [PC-792] - Fixed Responsive Category display issue with Safari (iPads, etc.).
- [PC-794] - Fixed bug with Custom HTML elements in Tabs after changing Tab ordering.
- [PC-803] - Fixed Apparel Add-On Image Loading Bug.
- [PC-657] - Added new category link
- [PC-669] - Fixed issue with ASP Smart Upload validation.
- [PC-807] - Fixed issue with CartStack and CaSe sensitivity.
- [PC-806] - Fixed missing CSS rule when not using minified CSS.
- [PC-809] - Reduced amount of traffic to 'msg.asp'.
- [PC-814] - Fixed display issue on Home Page with Featured Products.
- [PC-480] - Fixed Display issue on 'CustViewPastD.asp' when Order Status is 'Shipping'.
- [PC-484] - Improved Error logs and 404 error code when users hit Back button.
- [PC-494] - Removed Control Panel Nav Bar background image from Popups.
- [PC-685] - Improved Upgrade Process.
- [PC-705] - Fixed issue with Reports on 'resultsTopSells.asp' and elevated database permissions.
- [PC-711] - Removed max character limitation in Product's Short Description field.
- [PC-765] - Added all Security Patches.
- [PC-776] - Improved Login Messages and logic for stores that have upgraded to v5.2.
- [PC-788] - Clear Recent Products iFrame removed.
- [PC-802] - Added patch for Windows Server bug.
- [PC-555] - Improved Reward Points message for Guest Checkout.
- [PC-613] - Removed "Beta" text from customer facing PDF print link.
- [PC-691] - Added Estimate Ship Cost State Dropdown Validation.
- [PC-693] - Fixed SEO-Friendly URL on Shopping Cart page when 'abbreviated'.
- [PC-727] - Fixed View Cart - Estimated Shipping - Calculate Weight only once issue.
- [PC-766] - Fixed UPS Validation Bug Introduced in JIRA task #515.
- [PC-825] - HTML Equivalent still shows on Shopping Cart Page