Reward Points for Reviews
You can encourage customers to review the products or services that they purchased by rewarding them for doing so. This is what the “Reward for Reviews” settings are for. The settings are found under
Products > Manage Product Reviews > Product Reviews Settings.
Reward customer for writing a review? - Use this setting to turn this feature on and off.
Reward customer for writing a review? - Use this setting to turn this feature on and off.
- URL to page that contains program details - Enter the full URL to a page that provides customers with details on how the program works.
- Points to be awarded on first review - Enter the number of Reward Points that will be awarded when a customer writes his/her first review and the review is approved. Please note that Reward Points are added to the customer's current Reward Points balance…
- When the review is approved, not submitted. So if a review is not approved, no points are awarded. If reviews are set to be automatically approved, the points are immediately awarded.
- When the customer was logged in, at the time the review was submitted.
- Points to be awarded on additional reviews - The number of Reward Points that will be awarded on additional product reviews submitted by the same customer. See the previous paragraph as to when and how the points are awarded.
- Minimum length of review - The minimum number of characters that the customer must enter for the review to be eligible for the “Reward for Reviews” program. A message tells the customer how many more characters must be added for the review to become eligible.
- Max Points to be awarded per customers - The maximum amount of Reward Points that will be awarded. If you leave it at 0, there is no maximum. If you enter a value, make sure to communicate this to your customers in the “Terms & Conditions” document that you will create for the “Rewards for Reviews” program. As mentioned above, you can use a Content Page for this purpose, then enter the URL to that page in the corresponding field.