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Search Settings

Since not all Web users search the same way, ProductCart's search logic is designed to cast the widest net possible when fishing for results... so if a visitor enters the search words:  patio chair   -  the query looks for any results with the word 'patio' OR 'chair'... not just results that contain both. The search is performed against the specific Fields:
  • Product Name
  • Product SKU
  • Product Description
  • Product's Meta Tag Keywords (on the Product Details Page in the ProductCart Control Panel)

... for any of the words entered.

However, the Advanced Search Page (search.asp) allows customers to specify: "Search on exact phrase." if they want to limit results to Products that contain "patio chair" together.

The Store Administrator can adjust search performance based on the number of products in their database. For instance, the option Max Search Results can limit search results so pages load faster.

Max Search Results

This is the maximum number of possible search results returned by ProductCart when you run a search. A value of zero will return unlimited results. If you have a large product catalog it is recommended that you limit search results to no more than 250.

This means that ProductCart will “stop” searching after locating the first 250 products that match the customer's search criteria. This feature allows for substantial performance improvements, and it does not affect the customer experience as someone would be able to browse through hundreds of search results.

Article-Inline-272684.pngTake advantage of Custom Search Fields to allow store visitors to easily narrow their searches using intuitive filters. When the AJAX feature is on (Settings > Miscellaneous Settings), customers are instantly updated on how many records their search will return, and the product count changes as they add or remove filters. This allows for much more productive search experience.

Article-Inline-272684.pngWe recommend that large stores use the Max Search Results feature to ensure good store search performance. This feature affects all searches performed in the storefront (both from the Advanced Search Page and the search box)

Enabling Waiting Dialog Box

Stores with a large database may want customers to view a waiting dialog box while ProductCart performs the search. Turn this feature ON to enable the waiting dialog box. You can change the text displayed in the waiting box within the “includes/languages.asp” file.

Custom Search Field Widget for Categories

Here where you can enable or disable the use of the Custom Search Field Widget, which is the feature that allows for "drill-down navigation" in the storefront.

You can turn on/off this feature in two areas:
  1. When customers run a search
  2. When customers browse by category
If customers run a search that does not include a category filter, or the category that they select (when browsing or searching) does not have Custom Search Fields linked to it, then the Custom Search Field Widget remains idle (no “drill-down” filters are shown).

Don't forget to save your settings!