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Setting up Store Currency & Date Format

Please Note: The contents of this article apply only to licensed versions of the ProductCart software. They do not apply to stores running as a hosted application under a ProductCart Live agreement.

ProductCart accepts payments in the following currencies:
  • ​​​​​​​USD - United Stated Dollar
  • AUD - Australian Dollar
  • CAD - Canadian Dollar
  • EUR - Euro Member Countries
  • GBP - United Kingdom Pound
  • HKD - Hong Kong Dollar
  • INR - India Rupee
  • MXN - Mexico Peso
  • NZD - New Zealand Dollar

Store Currency & Date Formatting

These settings have to do with the currency & date format used throughout the store.. Specifically:
  • Currency Sign: Sets the currency symbol display on a store. For example: $, €, EUR, etc.
  • Decimal Format: Sets the decimal format to either English (1,234,567.89) or Metric (1.234.567,89)
  • Date Format: Sets the date format to either the DD/MM/YY or MM/DD/YY standard, where D stands for day, M for month and Y for year.

If you are running your ProductCart-powered store that's hosted outside of the United States, ask your Web hosting company about the settings used by your MS SQL server. If the server was installed using local settings other than English-US, then the server is likely expecting to save dates in to the database in the DD/MM/YY format and you may need to make a small adjustment to prevent date-related issues.

Note: If the currency symbol (such as £) is not being shown consistently across the store, please try the following:
  • Replace the HTML Pound symbol with the actual Pound symbol (£) in “settings.asp” - Change your meta tag (in your “header.asp” file) to “ISO-8859-1”. - Re save the file “storeconstants.asp” as ANSI using Notepad, in the event that it was previously uploaded as Unicode (UTF-8).