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Supported Payment Gateways

Discover Supported Payment Options for ProductCart Version 5 and Above!

ProductCart supports a variety of payment options, from real-time credit card processing, to custom payment options created by you.

  • All in one payment systems
  • Other payment gateways
  • Custom payment options (e.g. Net 30)

Let's take a look at the payment options supported by ProductCart.

All-in-One Solutions

All-in-One Solutions: Get a merchant account and a payment gateway from a single vendor. Note that with PayPal you can accept standard credit card payments too (customers don't have to have a PayPal account).

PayPal Commerce Platform

PayPal is moving their full support to their new ecommerce solution PayPal Commerce Platform. This means that PayPal Payments Advance, Payments Pro and Express may be discontinued in the future. Regardless, these legacy PayPal processing services will not provide the higher level or features and protection which is offered in PayPal Commerce Platform. That is why we will only be supporting PayPal Commerce Platform to handle PayPal Payments in ProductCart .

Authorize.NET is a major payment gateway that has been securely taking payments for years. Our integration allows you to take Credit Cards, Debit Cards and more through your merchant account with Authorize. From a major fraud prevention services to easy-to-use checkout, can give you what you need to take more payments for less cost to you.

Stripe Payments

As is a great multi-platform for all your payment needs which can take Credit Cards, Debit Cards, and more. This integration allows you to connect your Stripe payments to your ProductCart store.

Legacy Payment Options

These payment options could possibly work up to ProductCart v5.4.1, but are not supported or no longer included in any newer version after.

  • PayPal Payments Standard
  • PayPal Payments Advanced
  • PayPal Payments Pro
  • PayPal Payflow Link
  • PayPal Payflow Pro
  • PayPal Express Checkout
  • Amazon Pay
  • NetSource Payment Gateway

Other Payment Gateways - Not Supported

if you are running ProductCart v5.4.1 or older, you'll notice more payment options, or you may have custom ones you've  integrated into your store. However, none of these  are currently supported by our Supports and Updates plan or team, unless it's an custom integration NetSource Technologies has implemented, in which case, check your contract with us.

Custom Payment Options

ProductCart also allows you to create unlimited, Custom Payment Options where you define the fields that your customers will see and will need to fill out, specifying which ones are required and which are not. For example, you could have a "Store Card" for which you need "Start Date", "Account Number" and "Store ID". The information you collect is completely up to you, and you can define an unlimited number of fields.

By default, there is no real-time checking of the validity of the information submitted by the customer when they checkout using a custom payment option. However, since ProductCart's source code is fully customizable, you can certainly hire a developer to help you add real-time validation to it.

Additional payment gateways can be added to ProductCart for a fee. Contact ProductCart Support for more information.