Synchronizer Preferences
Product Preferences
The choices you make now will determine how the ProductCart Synchronizer exchanges information with your QuickBooks company file.
- How do you want to map Products?
- Map each ProductCart product to an individual item account in QuickBooks. (Select this option if you track inventory.)
- Match all ProductCart products to one generic item account in QuickBooks. (Inventory Synchronization is not available with this option. You use this option if you do not need the product SKU on the QuickBooks invoice, sales receipt, or sales order.)
- How should ProductCart handle un-mapped Products?
- Automatically. Create a new product in QuickBooks and map it to my ProductCart product. (This is the recommended option. Select this option and there is no need to manually map any products. ProductCart will always export products automatically “as needed”.)
- Pause exporting until I map my products.
- How do you want ProductCart to export your items?
- Inventory Part
- Non-inventory Part (Inventory cannot be tracked)
- Service
- Inventory Assembly
Please do not type account names directly into the boxes. You must use the select buttons. You must select one option for each type of account. ProductCart may or may not use an accounts when creating invoices, sales receipts, and sales orders. For example, an income account is required when creating an invoice, but not a sales order. On the other hand, an expense account is required when creating a sales order, but not an invoice or sales receipt. Regardless of whether or not you plan to use every option you must fill all fields below.- Product Income Account
- Product Asset Account
- Product COGS Account
- Product Expense Account
Related Topics
Question: Can I import QuickBooks items into my store catalog?Answer: You can export items from QuickBooks, and quickly import them into your ProductCart-powered store using the Product Import Wizard.
Customer Preferences
The choices you make now will determine how the ProductCart Synchronizer exchanges information with your QuickBooks company file.
- How do you want to map Customers?
- Map each ProductCart customer to an individual item account in QuickBooks.
Select this option to track individual customers in QuickBooks. You do not need to track all customers. For example, you can map only wholesale customers and send all others to a generic account. - Match all ProductCart customers to one generic item account in QuickBooks.
Use this option if you do not need to track individual customers in QuickBooks, or you are approaching your MAX allowed customer limit in QuickBooks.
- Map each ProductCart customer to an individual item account in QuickBooks.
- ProductCart automatically exports orders. How should ProductCart handle unmapped customers?
- Automatically create a new customer in QuickBooks.
This is the recommended option. Select this option and there is no need to manually map any customers. ProductCart will always export customers automatically “as needed”. Note that this setting may trigger the export of all of your customer accounts to QuickBooks the first time you export an order. See this FAQ on the topic. - Put them in a generic account that I will specify.
Select this option and there is no need to manually map any customers. ProductCart will always associate the order with your generic customer account. e.g. Online Customer.
- Automatically create a new customer in QuickBooks.
Order Preferences
The choices you make now will determine how the ProductCart Synchronizer exchanges information with your QuickBooks company file.
- When do you want to export orders?
- Automatically export all new orders per my default settings. I will create a schedule in Web Connector. (Select this option if you want Web Connector to automatically transfer your orders to QuickBooks.)
- Export orders on demand only. I will submit export requests in my ProductCart control panel. (Select this option if you want to manually review each order before it is transferred to QuickBooks.)
- How should ProductCart export Orders?
- By Payment Method. (This is the recommended option. Select this option and you can export offline orders as invoices and real-time payments as sales receipts.)
- Invoice
- Sales Receipt
- Sales Order
- Export Order Start Date: This is the date orders will begin exporting. This option is useful if you are currently using another synchronization application and you do not want any duplicates when switching to ProductCart Synchronizer.
- Export Orders when they reach any of the following statuses: Select any of the following order statuses and when the order reaches that status is will be eligible for transfer. Note: The order will not transfer until Web Connector is run.
Transfer Options
- Would you like to mark your transactions as “Cleared”?
- Would you like to export “Shipping Method” information?
- Would you like to mark your invoice “To be Printed”?
- Would you like to mark your invoice “To be Emailed”? (An order can only be marked for email if the transaction is cleared.)
- Would you like to include “Shipping Date” on your invoice?
- Would you like to add customer details to the Memo field?
- Would you like to include customer's comments?
- Transaction Date
Please do not type account names directly into the boxes. You must use the select buttons. You must select one option for each type of account. Regardless of whether or not you plan to use every option you must fill all fields below.How credit card information is handled
With regard to the synchronization with QuickBooks, credit card information is handled as follows:- Offline credit card processing
When you use offline credit card processing, credit card information is stored in the ProductCart database in an encrypted format, and transferred securely to QuickBooks when order information is imported automatically into QuickBooks. You can then process the transaction directly in QuickBooks. Once you have successfully done so, remember to purge the credit card information from your online store, in compliance with PCI standards. - All other payment methods
Credit card information is never transferred to QuickBooks.