Update Master User
Editing the Control Panel Master User
When you activated ProductCart, you were asked to provide the temporary user ID and password that were given to you at the time of purchase.How to Update the Master User
You can change the user ID and password at any time by selecting Update Master User from the Settings menu.Please note:
- The username can only be numbers
- The password can be a combination of letters and numbers
- You must provide your existing user ID and password to create new ones
For security reasons ProductCart will compare the two entries to the existing user ID and password currently in your store database, and return an error message if they don't match. ProductCart will also return an error message if the field values don’t follow the guidelines listed above (e.g. if you use letters in the user ID field). When the form is submitted successfully, ProductCart will display a confirmation message.
Whoever is in possession of your Control Panel's User ID and Password has access to virtually every aspect of your online store. Make sure that you keep your password in a safe place and that you do not share it with anybody other than those people that you want to have full access to your store. In addition, it is a good idea to regularly change your user ID and password.