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What the UPS OAuth 2.0 Upgrade Changes

ProductCart now offers UPS OAuth 2.0 integration upgrade, as older Access Key-based integrations will be depreciated after June 3, 2024. This update is REQUIRED to continue using UPS shipping services without loss of service. Compatible with v5.2.1 and above.

New Features & Limitations

  • Compatible for ProductCart v5.2.1 and higher.
  • SurePost Shipping is available as a shipping service. (Requires “Daily Pickup” to be Active)
  • Uses OAuth 2.0 and RESTful API protocol required by UPS in June 2024.
  • Negotiated Rates work directly with your main merchant shipping account.
  • You don’t need to click Confirm Shipment button to generate tracking code.
  • This integration does NOT include UPS Freight / Lighter Than Truck Load (LTL).
  • This integration does affect the  onepagecheckout.js file which could affect some custom code modifications which use that file.
  • Read more directly from UPS about the changes here at

Installation & Settings

The file set code is available FREE to any ProductCart merchant who is on ProductCart LIVE or has an active Support and Updates Plan. Contact our support team for more information on this. Once UPS OAuth 2 upgrade is installed and setup, you’ll find it in the main navigation under SHIPPING > VIEW or ADD SHIPPING SETTINGS. If your setup is successful, the UPS Connection Status will have “Connected” to the right of it. If you already had UPS shipping service connected to ProductCart before upgrading, preexisting settings and data will be unmodified.


If you are setting the UPS integration for the first time, start by clicking SHIPPING > VIEW or ADD SHIPPING SETTINGS in the main navigation. Then click on the UPS Developer Kit tab. The blue button will say “Connect Your UPS Account” instead of Refresh or Change UPS Account. When doing this, a pop-up window will appear you will step through adding your UPS account and linking it to your ProductCart store.


NOTE: You will be required to make sure your Shipper Address is entered in both the “General Shipping Settings” and “UPS Shipping Configuration” to get correct shipping rates in checkout and estimates for UPS within the cart. If previously installed, the addresses should already be populated. However, double check addresses for accuracy.

Adding or Editing UPS Shipping Services

It’s important to edit your shipping services if what you offer changes, or, if you have never used UPS in ProductCart. This is very easy to do by clicking “Edit” next to Services under the UPS Options. This will take you to the UPS_EditShipOptions.asp page. On this page, all you need to do is just check the box next to the name of for the shipping method you wish to accept, then click “Update UPS Shipping Service” at the bottom of the page to save changes.

Setting Up Shipping Preferences

To save you time when shipping your processed orders, you can setup your common preferences on this page which will show in the UPS Shipping Wizard when setting up shipments on each order. The only required field is the UPS Account Number. The rest of the page doesn’t need to be fully completed.


Shipping Settings and Setting Up Negotiated Rates

This page allows you to set your:

  • Shipper Address
  • UPS Insurance Settings
  • UPS Account Type (Daily Pickup, Occasionally Pickup, Suggested Retail Rates)
  • Account Based (Negotiated) Rates
  • Default Package or Box Size

To pass special shipping rates, scroll down to the section titled “UPS Account Number & Account Based (Negotiated) Rates.” Verify your main account number is in the UPS Account Number box and check the box after that to enable the special discounted rates you receive from UPS.



Shipping Center for Orders

The way shipping works for the order has not changed with the upgrade. You still have the same screens and options.

To view this on a new order, make sure the order is processed first. Then go to Shipping Center tab, then click on the button “Start Shipping Wizard” button to begin setting up the shipping label and tracking.


Once you finish setting up how you want your order shipped, you’ll see this screen.



You can either change the packaging, or click “Confirm Shipment” which goes the following screen, where you can do the following:

  • View Tracking Details
  • View / Print Label
  • Cancel Shipment – This syncs with your UPS account too.
