Use CSS to Style the Configuration Pages
You'd like to apply some interface changes to the configuration page (
pc/configurePrd.asp). What can you do? Editing the source code of the configuration pages is not recommended. These are some of the most complex pages in ProductCart. Instead, you can use
Cascading Style Sheets.
You will find these classes mentioned in the main CSS file used by your ProductCart storefront , called “ pcStorefront.css” and located in the pc folder. Add/edit the style definitions that use these classes, and you can apply all sorts of interesting interface changes to the configuration pages, such as special backgrounds, etc.
If you need help, consider hiring a Web designer that is experienced in CSS.
- The area where all selectable items are shown (organized in categories) is contained in a table that has the class “pcBTOmainTable” assigned to it.
- The rows that contain the categories of selectable items use the following, alternating classes: “pcBTOfirstRow” and “pcBTOsecondRow”.
You will find these classes mentioned in the main CSS file used by your ProductCart storefront , called “ pcStorefront.css” and located in the pc folder. Add/edit the style definitions that use these classes, and you can apply all sorts of interesting interface changes to the configuration pages, such as special backgrounds, etc.
If you need help, consider hiring a Web designer that is experienced in CSS.